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    Viva el disimulo

    Llevo un cierto tiempo leyendo cosas del estilo, pero como esta, ninguna.
    "The vote on OOXML looked fairly secured. Most in the Working Group in Sweden was against the vote to approve OOXML. The day of the vote, though, more companies showed up at the door. Some 20 new companies — each one payed about 00 to be allowed to vote — and vote they did ... for Microsoft. Most of the new companies were partners from Microsoft who suddenly out of the blue joined the Working Group, payed membership fees and voted yes for approval. From the OS2World story: 'The final result was 25 Yes, 6 No and 3 Abs and this would from the start be a done deal of saying No! Jonas Bosson who participated in today's meeting on behalf on FFII said that he left the meeting in protest and so did also IBM's Swedish local representative Johan Westman.'"

    A ver si encuentro en algún sitio un resumen de las votaciones aquí y allá. El asunto no es nimio, porque no se reduce a la concesión de una etiqueta a un producto, sino a la validez y credibilidad de TODO UN SISTEMA de acreditación de calidad.

    2007-08-29 11:51 | Categoría: Matinando | 1 Comentarios | Enlace

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    De: eledhwen Fecha: 2007-08-31 10:05

    Bueno, encontré un sitio de referencia sobre este asunto.

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